Monthly Archives: July 2017

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UMTR 2017 Budget: A look at where your membership fees go

We’re inching closer to that ever elusive 300 member mark and our special promotion to donate $300 to a trail/park of your choice! As a part of that promotion, we thought we should give all of you a little peek behind the curtain and show where your yearly $20 membership fee goes. By far, our largest budget item is donations to the parks and trails that Read More →

Did we mention the number 300?

We’re as close as we’ve ever been to breaking 300 members, and we want to sweeten the deal! If we can reach 300 members before the banquet in November, we will randomly pick a UMTR member and make a $300 donation to their favorite trail in their name! Do you have a favorite trail? Get your friends and family to sign up at and Read More →

Call for Leadership

Greetings UMTR Members! It’s that time of year when we need to start talking about the UMTR Board of Directors. Upper Midwest Trail Runners is a completely volunteer organization with a hard-working board. We seek to help trail runners – and the trails themselves – across the upper midwest. That’s where YOU come in! UMTR can’t exist without folks like you stepping up and committing time and talents to Read More →

Trail Series Change!

We recently found out that this year’s SMU Scamper has been cancelled for the year due to extensive rehabilitation efforts on the trails of Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota over the summer. We have decided to scratch this race from the UMTR Trail Series. Because we have 19 races in the trail series already, we will not be adding a replacement race. It will still be Read More →

Ultra Series Update!

Greetings, UMTR Ultra Series! Apologies for the long radio silence on the Ultra Series Results. (Current standings found here.) June came and went so quickly that I feel like I slept through the month. Many of you likely feel very different, as we’ve had Chester Woods, Kettle Moraine, Black Hills, and Afton go by. There are so many great performances that I can’t begin to Read More →

A New Membership Record!

We’ve set a NEW RECORD! Upper Midwest Trail Runners has just logged 276 members, which is an all-time high! But with many hundreds of trail runners toeing the line at races each weekend, we think there’s still room to grow. If you’ve been on the fence about joining UMTR, now is the time! Yearly membership is only $20, and this fee gets you discounts at Read More →