Good afternoon! We had a mighty warm day at the Voyageur, and I hear that Marquette is looking toasty for those of you headed to the UP. I can only imagine that Lean Horse is likely to be a continuation on the scorching race season, so hit those fluids hard (I also recommend Freeze Pops highly. They may have saved my bacon at Voyageur!) As … Read More →
Year End Banquet
Save the date…..Saturday, November 14th. That is the date for our annual UMTR banquet. If you are a member it is FREE!!!! Yummy potluck food, an awesome gear swap table to give/take new/slightly used gear, awards, awesome speakers, door prizes, a morning fat ass run and much, much more. We will post more details as they come to fruition. Reminder: Memberships run from Jan 1-Dec … Read More →
Voyageur 2015
Tons of fun was had at the UMTR’s Beck Road aid station yesterday at Voyageur 50 mile in Carlton, MN. Feel free to tag as you see fit. A special thanks to Adam Schwartz-Lowe for coordinating the AS. Sorry we weren’t able to get everyone in the picture, but the fun and the aid provided the runners was so appreciated! And, yes, we had much … Read More →