We’ve officially surpassed 350 members for the first time in club history! In celebration, we selected one member at random to choose a park or trail system to receive a $350 donation. Chad W. has chosen Afton State Park as the lucky recipient.

Afton State Park is a favorite destination for runners in Minnesota and Wisconsin alike, especially for those who live in the Twin Cities area. This park is the site of many weekend long runs, including the official UMTR “Post-Zumbro Pie Stumble” each April, and will be playing host to this Saturday’s Afton Trail 25K and 50K races. (Both of which happen to be included in our Trail Run and Ultra Series.) It’s a privilege to have such a great park so close to a major metro area.

Thank you to each and every member for being a part of UMTR, and for making this donation possible!

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