UMTR Banquet update
Evites will be emailed out later this week to all current UMTR members. Accommodations will probably be tight, so RSVP asap if you want to save your spot. If you don’t receive an invite by the end of the week, you are either not a current member(remember memberships run from 1/1-12/31) or we may have a bad email address. Feel free to contact me offline if you have any questions.
If any UMTR member would like to coordinate the 5k fat ass scheduled for the morning of the banquet(11/14) contact me offline. Janet Gray(20k) and Robyn Reed(10k) have graciously volunteered for the other two fat asses that same morning.
Finally, keep saving your new/slightly used gear for our famous “gear swap”. Bring what you don’t need(shoes, clothing, books, bottles, etc.) and get an item or two that you need for free! You can’t beat that with a stick!!!