Hear ye! Hear ye! It’s that time of year again…UMTR Banquet time! More info will be forthcoming, but here are the basics…
- When: Saturday, November 12th, 5pm-8:30pm
- Where: Richfield United Methodist Church, 5835 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 554199(new and bigger location!)
- Who’s invited? Current UMTR members are free and you can bring a guest for free too. Additional guests are $5/person.
- What do we do the morning of the banquet? Free Fatasses for members and non-members! 5k, 10k, and 25k at Lebanon Hills Park(free to everyone)
- What do we do at the banquet? Potluck format, enjoy a fabulous panel discussion(more info later), celebrate award winners, win tons of doorprizes, get free stuff in our gear swap, participate in the annual business meeting and vote on where our trail donations will be given out.
If you are interested in helping, let me know what you would like to help out with and I’ll get you signed up. Many hands help for an easy task! 🙂