Trail work alert!

UMTR member Lisa Messerer sent along these opportunities for helping out our northern Minnesota trails!

Lisa organizes 3-4 work evenings on the SHT in Duluth, MN every summer. This year they will be on Wednesday’sJune 14, 21, and 28 Start at 5:30 pm, work at least 2 hours or until we finish the planned section.

  • June 14: WildKnits Section to Glen Place (meet at Lisa’s house, let her know if you need directions). You will divide up and work east and west from there, then shuttle vehicles to finish the next section from Enger to Glen Place (aka M&H)
  • June 21:Brewers Loop. Meet at Haines Rd Parking lot and work the entire loop (no shuttle needed)
  • June 28: (Tentative) I-35 underpass to Kingsbury Creek (shuttle possibly involved)

People can contact Lisa with more questions at ‘lbmesserer at’.

Northern Minnesota Track Club will be organizing work nights on the Curnow/Voyageur Course in June to put in a new section of trail near the Fond Du Lac aid station (ropes section), as well as trail work in early July to prepare the course (anyone up for mowing the power lines?).  Interested folks can watch the NMTC Facebook page or website (  for details.

In Northern Minnesota it would be good to reach out to the local mountain bike groups to collaborate. Especially in educating runners/hikers about trail etiquette and encouraging the biking community to sign their trail intersections. Our local group is Cyclists of Gitchee Gumee Shores (COGGS).

Thanks everyone for getting out and supporting our trails!

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