Winter has come early to Duluth, as I’m calculating the results I see a blanket of white laid out over the woods. It’s an early snow, and a sign that the trail season has come to an end.
Please check here for preliminary results from the UMTR Ultra Series for 2017. I’m sure that I’ve got omissions and errors in there, so let me know what those are as soon as possible, and I’ll get these corrected before the awardsfest banquet! (Let’s call the final deadline for corrections Monday, 11/13). Send me an email at enordgre at
As for the races, it was a frantic end to the year. With three events packed into the last two weeks of racing, there was an amount of jostling and re-positioning on the leaderboards. Mark Martinsen doubled up on Surf the Murph and Hixon, acquitting himself quite well at each. Erik Raivo completed a solid year of racing everything on the calendar, and Michael Borst won the Wild Duluth 50K. Anna Yurchenko had a great race at Wild Duluth too, and we’ll give Julie Ward a shout for leading the series participants down at Hixon. I’m given to understand that the trails were about as muddy as they have ever been for many of the races this fall (even requiring the re-route down at Hixon). Congratulations to everyone who waded through to race or volunteer, I know that those days can be among the most frustrating (rewarding, too!)
Make sure you’ve got your volunteer hours in as well, as we want to get you the points and help use those hours to calculate our year end donations. Get the RSVP for the banquet in too!
Happy trails!