Superior 100 and Gnarly Bandit

As most have heard, the Superior 100 is moving to a lottery this year.  This has an impact on those doing the Gnarly Bandit as they will need to commit to Superior much earlier than normal.  We have worked on some allowances for Gnarly Bandit runners to ensure that they, with some provisions, will be able to get into Superior.  Please read the following paragraph which is taken from the Superior 100 site.

UMTR Gnarly Bandit Ultra Series:
The Superior 100 Mile Trail Race is part of the Upper Midwest Trail Runners Gnarly Bandit Ultra Series.  Gnarly Bandit runners will need to register for the Superior 100 via the lottery as set forth on the Superior Fall Trail Race website.  Gnarly Bandit hopefuls ARE NOT guaranteed entry into Superior 100 via the lottery process.  If a Gnarly Bandit hopeful does not make it into Superior 100 via the lottery they will be guaranteed entry into Superior 100 post lottery (and charged accordingly) if / once the following criteria have been met. 1.) Are registered for the Gnarly Bandit Ultra Series with UMTR 2.) Have entered the Superior Lottery and have not been picked 3.) Have completed Zumbro 100, Kettle 100 and Black Hills 100.  If you are not registered for Superior 100 and have met the preceding criteria it will be your responsibility to contact the Superior 100 race director for instruction on how to register for the race and pay your entry fee.”

Please fully read the registration info prior to entering.  Gnarly Bandit runners must be UMTR members and registered to run the series prior to the start of Zumbro 100.

If there are any questions please forward them through the website.


-Adam (GB Series Director)

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